Friday, 29 June 2012

A great role model!

Mr. Siksek very kindly came into school today to talk to the children about being a mathematician. He talked to the whole school during assembly about his career as a maths professor at Warwick university and the many uses of maths in our society. 
Mr. Siksek was then brave enough to spend the rest of the morning in years 1 and 2 answering questions from the children. 
Year 2 were fascinated by his life and how interesting a career in maths could be. 
A huge thank you to Mr. Siksek for giving up his time and sharing his love of learning with the children. 

Friday, 22 June 2012

Non school uniform day

The children all came in their own clothes today and brought a bottle in ready for the summer fayre.
Thank you to everyone for their kind donations.
The children all looked great!

Thursday, 21 June 2012

An Island Home

Year 2 are learning all about islands in the
 UK this term. 
This topic builds on our seaside work from last half term. 
Mrs. Marriott very kindly came in
 to share her expertise, 
helping the children make a 
boat and lighthouse 
for our very own beach 
outside the classroom.
The children had great fun 
working outside in the 
sunshine using papier mache to cover their models.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Summer 2012

Only a few weeks left before the summer holidays but still lots to do!
Our topic this half term is an island home where we will be using the Katie Morag books as core texts for our learning.
We will be making our own beach outside the classroom including a boat and a light house.
In science we will be investigating plants and animals. We will be looking at different habitats and how all animals grow and change.
Non-chronological reports are a focus for literacy sessions where we will writing all about animals we might find in different locations.
We all hope the children enjoy the last few weeks of the year and work just as hard as they have so far.
Mrs. Marriott kindly came in to school to help year 2 with their gardening project. The children separated the plants and even found some potatoes that we will cook and eat in a few days.
A huge thank you to Mrs. Marriott for all her time and help. 

Year 2 have been learning all about seaside holidays in the past and comparing them to holidays we have now.
Freshwater theatre company came in to work with the children taking them through the different decades form the last century.

Dance for the Olympics day.

Year 2 took part in the Dance for the Olympics day. A dance teacher came in for the day and taught the whole school a Bhangra dance that they all performed together at the end of the d

Monday, 2 April 2012

The end of another term

The children in year 2 shared their love of books with year 5 on Friday reading with a partner and talking about the stories and texts they were reading. As this has proved to be so successful we will be doing this regularly every last Friday in the month.

 The children have now completed their science topic learning all about electricity and making thier own simple circuits.
 Year 2 have also been writing stories using their non negotiables to help them.
These are paragraphs, finger spaces, full stops, capital letters, adjectives and connectives.
We have also learned how to use each of our senses to describe a setting or character more fully and to use similes to add more detail.
Don't forget to come and hear the children sing tomorrow morning at about ten past nine.

Happy Easter.

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Dates for your diary

Monday April 2nd is the first day for bringing in all the decorated Easter eggs for our annual competition.
Make sure you don't miss the opportunity to show how egg - stremely talented you are and eggs - cited about the competition! (sorry!!)

The more imaginative the better. Go wild and be brave!


Years 2 and 4 will be raising the roof in the hall with their Morning of Music performances on Tuesday the 3rd at about 9.10. Friends of Howes are very kindly serving refreshments afterwards so please come and join us for what I'm sure will be a very enjoyable morning. 

The end of term is on Wednesday the 4th. 
Have a great holiday and enjoy the well deserved rest.

Topic information

Our topic this half term is all about France.
The children have been doing research using the following web site -

They are going to use the information they have found to create their own leaflets and pamphlets in literacy over the next week.

Any more facts they discover and pictures they can find could be added to their work. 
Please bring anything relevant into school to enhance the children's learning. 
Many thanks.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Morning of Music

Year 2 took part in The Morning of Music at Howes on Friday 23rd March.
They looked very snazy in thier custom made head dresses.
We were joined by St. Thomas More, Grange Farm and Manor Park.
All the children sang a varity of songs all about transport and accompanied their singing with percussion instruments.
We all had a fabulous morning and thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Thursday, 8 March 2012

World Book Day

These are photos of year 2 on World Book Day 2012.
It was very strange teaching Harry Potter and Buzz Lightyear.
The children wrote some fantastic stories imagining they were really their book characters.
They also used philosophy for children to decide whether or not Cinderella should have been able to go to the ball!
Mrs. Henshaw came in dressed as The Tiger who came to Tea and read her book to the class.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

spring 2

We have another busy half term.
Our new topic is France so the children will be thinking about how we could travel there and what we might see and do when we got there. We will also be using our e-mail skills to contact children in France. In science we will be making simple circuits.
Dates for you diary -
World book day is on Thursday March 1st. The children can come into school dressed as their favourite character from a book but sensible shoes are still really important please.
Friends of Howes are hosting  race night on Friday March 2nd - please come along and support what promises to be a really enjoyable evening. Tickets can be bought from school.
On the 14th of March the whole school is having a maths buzz day where the children will be challenged to solve problems and enjoy using their maths skills.

Parents' evenings are on Tuesday the 27th and Wednesday the 28th of March. Time slots will be given nearer the time.

On Friday the 23rd year 2 are taking part in a Morning of Music held for the first time at Howes. Three other schools will be joining us for a morning full of music and songs to do with our theme of transport.

As Easter approaches, the children will have the opportunity to try their hands at egg decorating in the week beginning 2nd April. More details nearer the time.

Term ends for the children on Wednesday April 3rd.

A really busy term full of exciting things!
As always feel free to come and see me in year 2 if you have anything else you need to know.

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Yr 2's Trip to the Coventry Transport Museum

Year 2 had a great day at the Transport Museum learning all about cars, bikes and the history of transport. We even had a ride on a simulator of the land-speed record breaking vehicle. All the children had a fantastic day learning and having a really fun time.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Education City

Go to Education City.
How did you find the maths quiz this week? Let me know below.