We have another busy half term.
Our new topic is France so the children will be thinking about how we could travel there and what we might see and do when we got there. We will also be using our e-mail skills to contact children in France. In science we will be making simple circuits.
Dates for you diary -
World book day is on Thursday March 1st. The children can come into school dressed as their favourite character from a book but sensible shoes are still really important please.
Friends of Howes are hosting race night on Friday March 2nd - please come along and support what promises to be a really enjoyable evening. Tickets can be bought from school.
On the 14th of March the whole school is having a maths buzz day where the children will be challenged to solve problems and enjoy using their maths skills.
Parents' evenings are on Tuesday the 27th and Wednesday the 28th of March. Time slots will be given nearer the time.
On Friday the 23rd year 2 are taking part in a Morning of Music held for the first time at Howes. Three other schools will be joining us for a morning full of music and songs to do with our theme of transport.
As Easter approaches, the children will have the opportunity to try their hands at egg decorating in the week beginning 2nd April. More details nearer the time.
Term ends for the children on Wednesday April 3rd.
A really busy term full of exciting things!
As always feel free to come and see me in year 2 if you have anything else you need to know.